Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No More Carpet

Yvonne and I are one step closer to how we envision the space. But with the newly exposed concrete floors, we have experienced our first major problem- the residue of the carpet glue. Yvonne had purchased a soy based product called " Bean-e-doo," that assured an easy removal. After an hour of letting the solution sit, we started to scrape with force and the task proved to be anything but effortless. At the rate we were moving it would have taken days before we noticed any type of improvement. We started talking about other options before we thought about picking up the scraper again. We decided to give planA one more try and this time, let the solution sit for about 5 hours. Luckily this worked. We still have a lot of ground to cover, but have called in some friends who are willing to help.

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